1. While watching the video Did You Know?, by Karl Fisch, the first thing that really shocked me was the statement about the top ten in-demand jobs of 2010. This got me curious and happy that the number of different jobs seems to be growing. When I tried looking up whether this was true or not I found some who say it is and others who do not, because the list still included nurses and teachers.
The video shows how influential the internet is in our everyday lives. Being able to immediately do research on the facts that the video states shows exactly how much new technologies are affecting our lives today. The internet allows us instance access to just about any information one would need. This video really makes me think about whether or not there will be a time when everyone will completely depend on technology.
2. My first reaction after watching the video Mr. Wrinkle, by Mathew Needlemen, was to laugh because EDM 310 is all about changing this perspective. Even though the world has changed tremendously over the past hundred years, in many cases teaching has remained the same. The most technology I learned about, besides how to use Microsoft Word, was going to the computer lab once a week in middle school.
I think it is very important for teachers to be able to use new technology that is available today in their teaching. This could not only make things more interesting to the students, but it will make it fun for students. A teacher who can teach a class on a Smart Board with games and activities, seems way more interesting to me than a teacher writing on a chalk board.
3. In the video, The Importance of Creativity, Sir Ken Robinson does a remarkable job of stressing the importance of the creative arts and I think he is funny. The kids that fill the classrooms around the world are the most creative minds in the world. Kids need to be creative and need to be given the opportunity to be creative. He talks about how there are people in schools who push students away from the creative arts, because they say you'll never find a job in art or a job as a musician.
When Sir Ken Robinson tells the story of Gillian Lynne, the only thing I could think about is that doctors every day are telling kids they have a learning disability, prescribing some medicine, and never looking back on it. People who are telling kids they have a learning disability are majority of the time holding that child back. Creativity is something that teachers should let flourish in their classrooms and never restrict their students from being creative.
4. The fist thing I thought about after watching Cecelia Gualt's interview was the difference between how education is being taught at her school compared to just about every school in America. The 25 percent dropout rate in America is something that needs to change. I feel like a lot of the change is going to have to come on behalf of teacher's ability to get their students interested in learning.
In Cecelia's case it seems as though she has a teacher who teaches her students about the new technologies of the world and how to use them. Her teacher is teaching the students things that will help them succeed in the world today. I think students like Cecelia Gault are the reasons why teachers should be technologically literate.
5. While watching the video Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts I thought about how important it would be for all schools to have a teacher like Vicki Davis. Computers, cell phones, and the internet are all useful tools a teacher can use with their class. From watching the video her students are doing things with computers that I wouldn't even to know where to start. They are being taught a skill that will actually be very useful to the rest of the students education and when they enter the workforce.
The importance of incorporating technology into the classroom is something that is becoming very important. Technology is growing daily and students need to be taught how to use the new technology at an early age so they are not lost by time they make it to college.